Database Languages

DBMS must provide appropriate languages and interfaces for each category of users to express database queries and updates. Database Languages are used to create and maintain database on computer. There are large numbers of database languages like Oracle, MySQL, MS Access, dBase, FoxPro etc. SQL statements commonly used in Oracle and MS Access can be categorized as data definition language (DDL), data control language (DCL) and data manipulation language (DML).
Below are the database languages. Click them for more details.
SQL Commands

 DDL Data Definition Language
 DML Data Manipulation Language
 DCL Data Control Language
 Transaction Control Language
 Data Query Language

DDL : Data Definition Language

All DDL commands are auto-committed. That means it saves all the changes permanently in the database.
createto create new table or database
alterfor alteration
truncatedelete data from table
dropto drop a table
renameto rename a table

DML : Data Manipulation Language

DML commands are not auto-committed. It means changes are not permanent to database, they can be rolled back.
insertto insert a new row
updateto update existing row
deleteto delete a row
mergemerging two rows or two tables

TCL : Transaction Control Language

These commands are to keep a check on other commands and their affect on the database. These commands can annul changes made by other commands by rolling back to original state. It can also make changes permanent.
committo permanently save
rollbackto undo change
savepointto save temporarily

DCL : Data Control Language

Data control language provides command to grant and take back authority.
grantgrant permission of right
revoketake back permission.

DQL : Data Query Language

selectretrieve records from one or more table

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