data base System VS file System

A Database Management System (DMS) is a combination of computer software, hardware, and information designed to electronically manipulate data via computer processing. Two types of database management systems are DBMS’s and FMS’s. In simple terms, a File Management System (FMS) is a Database Management System that allows access to single files or tables at a time. FMS’s accommodate flat files that have no relation to other files. The FMS was the predecessor for the Database Management System (DBMS), which allows access to multiple files or tables at a time (see Figure 1 below)

File Management Systems

1-Simpler to use
1-Typically does not support multi-user access
2-Less expensive·
2-Limited to smaller databases
3-Fits the needs of many small businesses and home users
3-Limited functionality (i.e. no support for complicated transactions, recovery, etc.)
4-Popular FMS’s are packaged along with the operating systems of personal computers (i.e. Microsoft Cardfile and Microsoft Works)
4-Decentralization of data
5-Good for database solutions for hand held devices such as Palm Pilot
5-Redundancy and Integrity issues

Typically, File Management Systems provide the following advantages and disadvantages: 
The goals of a File Management System can be summarized as follows (Calleri, 2001):
  • Data Management.  An FMS should provide data management services to the application.
  • Generality with respect to storage devices. The FMS data abstractions and access methods should remain unchanged irrespective of the devices involved in data storage.
  • Validity. An FMS should guarantee that at any given moment the stored data reflect the operations performed on them.
  • Protection. Illegal or potentially dangerous operations on the data should be controlled by the FMS.
  • Concurrency. In multiprogramming systems, concurrent access to the data should be allowed with minimal differences.
  • Performance. Compromise data access speed and data transfer rate with functionality.
From the point of view of an end user (or application) an FMS typically provides the following functionalities (Calleri, 2001): 
  • File creation, modification and deletion.
  • Ownership of files and access control on the basis of ownership permissions.
  • Facilities to structure data within files (predefined record formats, etc).
  • Facilities for maintaining data redundancies against technical failure (back-ups, disk mirroring, etc.).
  • Logical identification and structuring of the data, via file names and hierarchical directory structures.

Database Management Systems

Database Management Systems provide the following advantages and disadvantages: 
Greater flexibility
Difficult to learn
Good for larger databases
Packaged separately from the operating system (i.e. Oracle, Microsoft Access, Lotus/IBM Approach, Borland Paradox, Claris FileMaker Pro)
Greater processing power
Slower processing speeds
Fits the needs of many medium to large-sized organizations
Requires skilled administrators
Storage for all relevant data
Provides user views relevant to tasks performed

Ensures data integrity by managing transactions (ACID test = atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability)  

Supports simultaneous access 

Enforces design criteria in relation to data format and structure 

Provides backup and recovery controls

Advanced security

The goals of a Database Management System can be summarized as follows (Connelly, Begg, and Strachan, 1999, pps. 54 – 60): 
  • Data storage, retrieval, and update (while hiding the internal physical implementation details)
  • A user-accessible catalog
  • Transaction support
  • Concurrency control services (multi-user update functionality)
  • Recovery services (damaged database must be returned to a consistent state)
  • Authorization services (security)
  • Support for data communication Integrity services (i.e. constraints)
  • Services to promote data independence
  • Utility services (i.e. importing, monitoring, performance, record deletion, etc.)
The components to facilitate the goals of a DBMS may include the following:
  • Query processor
  • Data Manipulation Language preprocessor
  • Database manager (software components to include authorization control, command processor, integrity checker, query optimizer, transaction manager, scheduler, recovery manager, and buffer manager)
  • Data Definition Language compiler
  • File manager