data Models in dbms

Data Model is a logical structure of Database. It describes the design of database to reflect entities, attributes, relationship among data, constrains etc.

Types of Data Models:

1) Logical Data Models -

Object based logical Models – Describe data at the conceptual and view levels.
  1. E-R Model
  2. Object oriented Model
Record based logical Models – Like Object based model, they also describe data at the conceptual and view levels. These models specify logical structure of database with records, fields and attributes.
  1. Relational Model
  2. Hierarchical Model
  3. Network Model – Network Model is same as hierarchical model except that it has graph-like structure rather than a tree-based structure. Unlike hierarchical model, this model allows each record to have more than one parent record.
2) Physical Data Models – These models describe data at the lowest level of abstraction.

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