Concept Design with the ER Model

Database Design Techniques
1. ER Modeling (Top down Approach)
2. Normalization (Bottom Up approach)
What is ER Modeling?
A graphical technique for understanding and organizing the data independent of the actual database implementation
We need to be familiar with the following terms to go further.
Any thing that has an independent existence and about which we collect data. It is also known as entity type.
In ER modeling, notation for entity is given below.
ER Modeling - notation for Entity
Entity instance
Entity instance is a particular member of the entity type.
Example for entity instance : A particular employee
Regular Entity
An entity which has its own key attribute is a regular entity.
Example for regular entity : Employee.
Weak entity
An entity which depends on other entity for its existence and doesn't have any key attribute of its own is a weak entity.
Example for a weak entity : In a parent/child relationship, a parent is considered as a strong entity and the child is a weak entity.
In ER modeling, notation for weak entity is given below.
In ER modeling, notation for weak entity
Properties/characteristics which describe entities are called attributes.
In ER modeling, notation for attribute is given below.
Domain of Attributes
The set of possible values that an attribute can take is called the domain of the attribute. For example, the attribute day may take any value from the set {Monday, Tuesday ... Friday}. Hence this set can be termed as the domain of the attribute day.
Key attribute
The attribute (or combination of attributes) which is unique for every entity instance is called key attribute.
E.g the employee_id of an employee, pan_card_number of a person etc.If the key attribute consists of two or more attributes in combination, it is called a composite key.
In ER modeling, notation for key attribute is given below.
ER modeling -  notation for key attribute
Simple attribute
If an attribute cannot be divided into simpler components, it is a simple attribute.
Example for simple attribute : employee_id of an employee.
Composite attribute
If an attribute can be split into components, it is called a composite attribute.
Example for composite attribute : Name of the employee which can be split into First_name, Middle_name, and Last_name.
Single valued Attributes
If an attribute can take only a single value for each entity instance, it is a single valued attribute.
example for single valued attribute : age of a student. It can take only one value for a particular student.
Multi-valued Attributes
If an attribute can take more than one value for each entity instance, it is a multi-valued attribute. Multi-valued
example for multi valued attribute : telephone number of an employee, a particular employee may have multiple telephone numbers.
In ER modeling, notation for multi-valued attribute is given below.
Stored Attribute
An attribute which need to be stored permanently is a stored attribute
Example for stored attribute : name of a student
Derived Attribute
An attribute which can be calculated or derived based on other attributes is a derived attribute.
Example for derived attribute : age of employee which can be calculated from date of birth and current date.
In ER modeling, notation for derived attribute is given below.
ER modeling -  notation for derived attribute
Associations between entities are called relationships
Example : An employee works for an organization. Here "works for" is a relation between the entities employee and organization.
In ER modeling, notation for relationship is given below.
However in ER Modeling, To connect a weak Entity with others, you should use a weak relationship notation as given below
Degree of a Relationship
Degree of a relationship is the number of entity types involved. The n-ary relationship is the general form for degree n. Special cases are unary, binary, and ternary ,where the degree is 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
Example for unary relationship : An employee ia a manager of another employee
Example for binary relationship : An employee works-for department.
Example for ternary relationship : customer purchase item from a shop keeper
Cardinality of a Relationship
Relationship cardinalities specify how many of each entity type is allowed. Relationships can have four possible connectivities as given below.
1. One to one (1:1) relationship
2. One to many (1:N) relationship
3. Many to one (M:1) relationship
4. Many to many (M:N) relationship
The minimum and maximum values of this connectivity is called the cardinality of the relationship
Example for Cardinality – One-to-One (1:1)
Employee is assigned with a parking space.
Example for Cardinality – One-To-One (1:1)
One employee is assigned with only one parking space and one parking space is assigned to only one employee. Hence it is a 1:1 relationship and cardinality is One-To-One (1:1)
In ER modeling, this can be mentioned using notations as given below
 ER Notations - Employee is assigned with a parking space
Example for Cardinality – One-to-Many (1:N)
Organization has employees
Example for Cardinality – One to Many (1:m)
One organization can have many employees , but one employee works in only one organization. Hence it is a 1:N relationship and cardinality is One-To-Many (1:N)
In ER modeling, this can be mentioned using notations as given below
 ER Notations - One organization can have many employees
Example for Cardinality – Many-to-One (M :1)
It is the reverse of the One to Many relationship. employee works in organization
Example for Cardinality – Many-to-One (M :1)
One employee works in only one organization But one organization can have many employees. Hence it is a M:1 relationship and cardinality is Many-to-One (M :1)
In ER modeling, this can be mentioned using notations as given below.
Cardinality – Many-to-Many (M:N)
Students enrolls for courses
Cardinality – Many-to-Many (M:N)
One student can enroll for many courses and one course can be enrolled by many students. Hence it is a M:N relationship and cardinality is Many-to-Many (M:N)
In ER modeling, this can be mentioned using notations as given below
ER Notation - Students enrolls for courses
Relationship Participation
1. Total
In total participation, every entity instance will be connected through the relationship to another instance of the other participating entity types
2. Partial
Example for relationship participation
Consider the relationship - Employee is head of the department.
Here all employees will not be the head of the department. Only one employee will be the head of the department. In other words, only few instances of employee entity participate in the  above relationship. So employee entity's participation is partial in the said relationship.
However each department will be headed by some employee. So department  entity's participation is total in the said relationship.

Advantages and Disadvantages of ER Modeling ( Merits and Demerits of ER Modeling )
1. ER Modeling is simple and easily understandable. It is represented in business users language and it can be understood by non-technical specialist.
2. Intuitive and helps in Physical Database creation.
3. Can be generalized and specialized based on needs.
4. Can help in database design.
5. Gives a higher level description of the system.
1. Physical design derived from E-R Model may have some amount of ambiguities or inconsistency.
2. Sometime diagrams may lead to misinterpretations

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