Wednesday 8 March 2017


Data base System Applications, data base System VS file System – View of Data – Data Abstraction – Instances and Schemas – data Models – the ER Model – Relational Model – Other Models – Database Languages – DDL – DML – database Access for applications Programs – data base Users and Administrator – Transaction Management – data base System Structure – Storage Manager – the Query Processor. History of Data base Systems. Data base design and ER diagrams – Beyond ER Design Entities, Attributes and Entity sets – Relationships and Relationship sets – Additional features of ER Model – Concept Design with the ER Model – Conceptual Design for Large enterprises. 

Introduction to the Relational Model – Integrity Constraint Over relations – Enforcing Integrity constraints – Querying relational data – Logical data base Design – Introduction to Views – Destroying altering Tables and Views. Relational Algebra – Selection and projection set operations – renaming – Joins – Division – Examples of Algebra overviews – Relational calculus – Tuple relational Calculus – Domain relational calculus – Expressive Power of Algebra and Calculus 

Form of Basic SQL Query – Examples of Basic SQL Queries – Introduction to Nested Queries – Correlated Nested Queries Set – Comparison Operators – Aggregative Operators – NULL values – Comparison using Null values – Logical connectivity’s – AND, OR and NOT – Impact on SQL Constructs – Outer Joins – Disallowing NULL values – Complex Integrity Constraints in SQL Triggers and Active Data bases. 

Schema refinement – Problems Caused by redundancy – Decompositions – Problem related to decomposition – reasoning about FDS – FIRST, SECOND, THIRD Normal forms – BCNF – Lossless join Decomposition – Dependency preserving Decomposition – Schema refinement in Data base Design – Multi valued Dependencies – FORTH Normal Form Transaction Concept- Transaction State- Implementation of Atomicity and Durability – Concurrent – Executions – Serializability Recoverability – Implementation of Isolation – Testing for serializability- Lock – Based Protocols – Timestamp Based Protocols Validation- Based Protocols – Multiple Granularity 

Recovery and Atomicity – Log – Based Recovery – Recovery with Concurrent Transactions – Buffer Management – Failure with loss of nonvolatile storage-Advance Recovery systems- Remote Backup systems Data on External Storage – File Organization and Indexing – Cluster Indexes, Primary and Secondary Indexes – Index data Structures – Hash Based Indexing – Tree base Indexing – Comparison of File Organizations – Indexes and Performance Tuning- Intuitions for tree Indexes – Indexed Sequential Access Methods (ISAM) – B+ Trees: A Dynamic Index Structure.